Cliff Zauner
For State Rep Dist. 38
I live where you live. Your concerns are mine as well.
By working together to improve our quality of life, we all win.

Kiwanian Of The Year!

I got the Kiwanian of the year!  Nice plaque, huh?
    "Cliff is always there, putting up flags in town...pancake breakfast...Christmas baskets to the needy...annual Christmas tree decorations...perfect attendance for 14 years.   He just keeps the club rolling along."
    -Tim Dietz, past president

    To toot my own horn a bit...As past President of Woodburn's French Prairie Kiwanis and 1999 Kiwanian of the Year, my 14 years of perfect service have produced some of our area's more stunning community achievements.   I have also been one of the most active members of the Newberg Rotary whereby my hands-on leadership has led to international assistance projects.   TOOT TOOT!

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